Coast FIRE Calculator

Plan Your Path to Financial Independence

Your Information

Your Results

Coast FIRE Number: $0
Years to Coast FIRE: 0
Final Portfolio Value: $0

What is Coast FIRE?

Coast FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) is a financial strategy where you save enough money early in your career that you no longer need to make additional retirement contributions. Your existing investments are sufficient to grow into your retirement nest egg by the time you reach retirement age.

Understanding Coast FIRE Calculation

The Coast FIRE calculator helps determine when you can stop actively saving for retirement while still achieving your financial goals. By considering factors like current savings, expected returns, and retirement expenses, you can calculate your Coast FIRE number and plan your journey to financial independence.

Benefits of Coast FIRE Planning

Coast FIRE offers a balanced approach to financial independence, allowing individuals to reduce their savings rate while maintaining their current lifestyle. This calculator helps you understand when you can transition to Coast FIRE, whether you're in the United States, Canada, UK, Australia, or India.

Coast FIRE vs Traditional Retirement

Unlike traditional retirement planning, Coast FIRE provides flexibility in your savings approach. Our calculator accounts for various factors, including social security, pensions, and market returns, to give you a comprehensive view of your financial future.

Calculating Your Coast FIRE Number

Your Coast FIRE number represents the amount needed in investments today to reach your retirement goals without additional contributions. This calculator helps couples and individuals determine their specific Coast FIRE numbers based on their unique circumstances.

Advanced Coast FIRE Strategies

Beyond basic calculations, our tool helps you understand how different variables affect your Coast FIRE journey. Whether you're planning for early retirement or seeking financial independence, this calculator provides valuable insights for your planning process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coast FIRE?

Coast FIRE is a financial strategy where you save enough money early so that your investments can grow to support your retirement without additional contributions.

How is Coast FIRE different from traditional FIRE?

While traditional FIRE focuses on saving aggressively to retire early, Coast FIRE allows you to reduce or eliminate retirement savings once you reach your Coast number.

Can I still work while pursuing Coast FIRE?

Yes, most people continue working to cover their current expenses while letting their retirement savings grow untouched.

How does Social Security affect Coast FIRE calculations?

Social Security can significantly reduce the amount you need to save for Coast FIRE, as it provides additional retirement income.